Knowledge Base


Last updated on January 30, 2024
A folder is a place to store different Profiles.
To create a new folder, click Create.
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Next, choose a name for the folder, and click "Create".
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In Team mode, access rights to User Folders are limited: only the Administrator can enter, view other people's folders, and the Team Creator can edit them.
You can also add a folder to Antik at the stage of profile creation, for this purpose in the "Folder" window enter its name and click on the "Create folder" button.
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You can also change the folder name or delete it at any time by hovering over the 3 dots to the left of the folder name.
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You can delete both the folder separately and the folder together with the profiles that lie in it, for this purpose when deleting check the box "Delete together with profiles", and click "Confirm".
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